New Baby on Dads Chest

One father mentioned,

‘I haven’t the faintest idea how to hold a new baby without dropping it.’

When a baby is first born they don’t have any head control because they don’t have developed muscles so the head flops if unsupported. The first step is to think about how you are going to support the head. Be mindful, newborns are born with two soft spots which are called fontanelles which are on the top of the baby’s head.  When picking up your baby use one hand under their head and the other hand under their bottom and gently support them against your chest.

If your baby is handed into your arms make sure your baby’s head is supported in the crook of your arm. Your other hand should give support under the baby’s back and bottom. Bare in mind newborns cannot focus clearly middle and long distance however they can focus about 8-10cm ie from the crook of the arm to your face. Which shows once again that your input from the very beginning matters.

During the first few days, it’s important to just to hold your baby even when they are asleep as you both get to know each other.

Access the next Daddy In Training Free Tool Kit Session:

Meeting Your Baby For The First Time

Changing Your First Nappy